About Life 


Only when one is serene
Can the heart reset to zero,
And can one’s inner space open up.

The greatest and deepest joy
Comes from serenity.


This house is really adequate for a dialogue with oneself.
No need to do anything special,
Just staying quiet, letting the time pass,
Looking outside the window, sunrise, sunset,
The fog rising and dissipating, or or the changing moods of the sky,
The mountain sceneries outside the window are like book pages to me.

This house is quiet,
Particularly suitable for observing oneself, facing one's heart,
With no question of good or bad, right or wrong,
Just watching…


When the heart has not been liberated,
Everywhere is hell.

Depends on
The ability to convert discontented moods.


There is no such thing as good or bad destiny,
Or being lucky or not,
Everything depends on your wisdom.
There is also no ready-made heaven awaiting you,
Nonetheless, you can create one for yourself!


Life is, in essence, not perfect,
How to live this imperfection in full satisfaction,
Is a fundamental challenge of existence,
And the most perfect of all arts.


Life is not as heavy as we think,
Nor is it light as we think;
Life is your heart,
And your heart
Is the reflection of life.


Don't try to control the face of destiny.
Let the waves of life come naturally.
All you have to do is
To gently jump on top of the waves
Ride them and enjoy the trip!


No need to study something in particular.
It is enough to put one’s efforts on questions encountered in life.
Making good use of whatever happens each day
Is the best learning, and training.

Don't strive for perfection, either.
Give your best on everything,
Then accept the results.


Learn to accept the arrangements made by destiny in the midst of distress!
When in a painful situation, maintain the balance of body and mind,
Reduce wounds to the suffering body and mind to the minimum.
This is a difficult learning,
But the most important subject in life.


Everything will pass.
Whether it's a good experience or a bad one.
All one has to do is taste it,
Nice and sweet, or bitter and painful.


Wherever I am, is my home,
My home, is
Here and now.


A pot of mind-appeasing tea
Can make all worries stand still, and settle down all thoughts.

Why go far to seek peace and quietness?
It can be found within oneself, in between those four corners,
In a single thought.


Eternal peace of mind does not exist,
Nor does eternal restlessness.

We are only inhabiting temporarily
The interval between peace of mind and restlessness.


Illness and aging must not disappoint us about life.

In the growth of a plant,
One can perceive the true sense of existence.
A seed starts from sprouting, spreading its leaves, growing a stem,
Then the flowers bud, bloom, wither,
Until the plant falls to the soil and rots,
And then waits for the next reincarnation.

The flowers that have bloomed
Cling to the branch waiting to return to the soil’s embrace,
Able in their last moments
To enjoy the moisture of the dew, the nurturing of the sunshine,
The soft blowing of the breeze,
It is a happy thing,
Waiting to be turned into soil to nourish other lives,
Just like one, from other lives, previously received nourishment.

One must feel grateful for what one has seen, heard, tasted, and enjoyed on this journey,
Feel gratified at being able to finally give back,
Marvel at this cycle of life,
At the perfection of creation .......
