Woods in Winter 

The once frozen surface of the lake,
Under today’s warm sunlight
Is already fully awakened.

Wild ducks, seemingly excited to be able to cross the center of the lake,
Swim back and forth between both shores,
Trees gather around the water's edge
Watching the ducks laughing and clamoring,
And drawing ripples on the surface of the lake.

I am amazed by all that can be read in a winter forest,
Tree trunks that were hidden by leaves in the summer
Now all take shape individually,
Vigorous bodies and delicate branches
Spread out indulgently in between earth and sky,
One tree after another, one grove after another,
Stretching towards the infinite distance,
Beautiful as a poem......


As soon as the sun goes down, temperature drops abruptly,
The wind whistles through the withered forest.
At this time, most of the birds have already rushed back to their nests,
Crows are still hanging around.


The forest at the heart of winter shows a completely different scenery.
On trails often followed in summer
One now needs to pay special attention to avoid getting lost.
A rare warm sun
Casts a golden light on the evening woods.
Although the temperature is still low
It brings about a swell of warmth in people’s hearts.


At the end of winter, coming to this spot,
Except for the wild berry leaves rampant on the ground,
And in spite of the urge in the crows cries,
The forest is still very much sleeping.

But the green moss covered by leaves under the trees,
Has it already awakened?
Or is it that, during the whole winter,
It has not gone to sleep?


I discover that a tree on the trail is discreetly growing buds.
The forest is gradually waking up.
How could it be otherwise?
Mud beneath my feet, in my daily walk, is also changing,
When warmer, it is moistened with water,
As the frozen earth melts in the warm wind.

The ice in the lake has also melted.
The geese and ducks are busy making circles in the water.
Excitedly calling out:
Spring is not far away!


Everyday, towards the evening.
I have to wait until the moment I walk in the forest
To reach a feeling of « reconciliation »
With the ups and downs of the day.
I then sense that no matter what,
My day was worth it,
And is a happy one.
And similarly,
For my life as a whole!


The forest is like a filter,
Removing impurities from my life.
Cleansing my mind.
Therefore, this walk
Is a daily necessity.


In this forest, there are often crows roaming.
After sunset,
Dozens of them, perched on branches, confront each other.
« Aah – Aah – Aah – Aah – Aah »
« Aah – Aah – Aah – Aah – Aah »
The raucous noise fills the forest, and the ears.

Crows’ feathers look black from a distance,
You have to get closer and wait for the bird to take flight
To see that in this ink black,
Shines a mysterious purple blue.


The beauty of solitude is very difficult to share.

Walking on a small withered path,
As the setting sun hesitates at the edge of the sky,
Rays of light pierce the clouds and shine into the forest.
Bird calls from the canopy are sparse,
Must be greetings to companions before going back to the nest,
As crows can't help but start to chase other birds away.

Occasionally, a breeze blows
And lifts a few dry leaves from the ground.
Looking around
Tree branches in disarray, not yet in leaf,
Sport an ashen, pale brown gray,
In this ending winter...…


Today, a low, hazy layer of clouds
Seals the forest.
Crow calls, sporadic,
Echo in the cold solitary expanse of the woods.

But, walking up the slope where I usually stand for a while,
I see a tree ahead
With pale yellow leaf buds already sprouting from the branches.
So unexpectedly
They bloomed overnight,
Like a full tree of brilliant fireworks!


Already smelt it from the air,
Already heard it from the bird songs,
Already saw it from the boisterous buds on branches,
Already felt it from within the heart.


Spring has come.
It is for you who walks everyday into the forest
The first announcement.
Buds grow almost at assault speed,
Greener by the day.
A week ago, it was still a withered forest,
Now everywhere floating
Are bursts of a light green rain.

Birds are chirping more, and
Even the tone of their calls seems to sparkle
With the golden colors of spring.


In just three or five days,
The whole forest has changed colors.
Leaves are greener every day,
Flowers explode like firecrackers all over the trees.

Sitting under a tree,
Enjoying the shades of flowers at sunset
The abundance and beauty of nature
Give me a deep feeling of deficiency,
Sighing in front of the world’s great beauty
I can only look at it, but cannot capture it.


A thin, light spring rain
Just moistens the soil of the forest.
Dry and cracked leaves are soaked wet,
Stepping on them is unusually soft.
A few crisp birdsong
Sprinkled among the dense forest
What a quiet and peaceful moment before the night.

